About Us
Northern Futures is a not for profit organisation addressing disadvantage in Geelong’s northern suburbs by delivering tailored education and employment opportunities in collaboration with industry, community and government.
We believe in transformation.
We know strong, sustainable communities are built by increasing economic participation and social inclusion.
We connect, support and advocate to link the requirements of industry with the strengths of the people we work with, and to share the opportunities that abound in our region.

Our Work
Northern Futures utilises the Bridges out of Poverty framework to help us understand the struggle, resilience and skills of people who are living in survival mode. Rather than misinterpreting the actions and expectations of our participants, Bridges out of Poverty helps us to recognise and appreciate different values and reasons behind actions that are not always apparent. This framework has enabled us to see clearly the amazing talent, strength and qualities of people who have often been overlooked by others.